As is the case with technically simple but uncommon figures like 'Circle Right,' beginners will generally have an easier time with new terms than will experienced dancers. Their brains are already in learning mode, whereas some of the old hands may be flying on autopilot. The tricky part is that you can't necessarily rely on the experienced folks to be as helpful to the newbs as they may be ordinarily, so programming just a tick easier than you are used to could be a safe bet, especially if you're in the process of getting comfortable using the new terms yourself!
If you're on Facebook, I highly recommend joining the group
Larks and Ravens Contra Dancers. There have been a lot of really great conversations in that group, including several about how calling with genderfree terminology benefits the whole community, including those of us who are straight and cisgendered.
For what it's worth, I've officially gotten to a point where calling Larks and Ravens is
easier for me. It's lovely that the common Allemandes alliterate with the new terms (Larks typically allemande left, while Ravens often allemande right), and it now feels so strange to say "Ladies allemande right"; it feels like I've messed up!
Good luck and please feel free to reach out to me if you have further questions on this!