Tony recommended Cumberland Square Eight. Yes! Great dance!  More details at


Please note:

In England we dance it at least four times through.

We use a lot of energy!

The first move is called a “Gallop” and we go the full eight gallops (Side, together, side, together, side together…) - if there isn’t enough room we gallop around the corner, then back the same way.  The normal hold is a ballroom hold.  Don’t change your arm position to come back - just turn your heads.

To teach the basket get the ladies to raise their arms above their heads; the man put their arms around the ladies’ waists; one of the men holds the wrists of the other; the ladies drop their hands onto the NEAREST shoulder. Right foot in the middle and scoot.

I always teach the men to put their arm around their lady’s waist towards the end of the figure so that you have two halves of a basket ready to go.


            Happy dancing,                         



John Sweeney, Dancer, England 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574                  for Live Music Ceilidhs                for Dancing in Kent                                  for Modern Jive DVDs