Hello callers,

This just came across my inbox, and I told them I would forward it to the list.  I know nothing more than is in this email.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Coladangelo, LP" <lcoladan@kent.edu>
Subject: Research Study on Gender-Free Contra Dance Callers
Date: February 4, 2025 at 11:24:21 AM EST
To: "chris@sharedweight.net" <chris@sharedweight.net>, "seth@sharedweight.net" <seth@sharedweight.net>

Hello Chris and Seth (and members of the Shared Weight community),
My name is L.P. Coladangelo and I am a doctoral candidate in Communication and Information at Kent State University. I am conducting dissertation research on the knowledge practices of gender-free contra dance callers. In order to complete my study, I am asking for participants to fill out a questionnaire about their expertise, their calling practice, their social networks in the dance community, and their understanding of the culture and values of gender-free contra dance.
If you would be so kind as to share this study participation announcement (found below) with your community, I would greatly appreciate it. Additionally, if you know of others who may be interested in participating in the study, please feel free to send this information on to them. You may also have potential participants contact me directly to follow up by sharing my contact information with them.
If you or anyone interested in learning more about the study would wish to contact me, please email me at lcoladan@kent.edu or my advisor Dr. Lala Hajibayova at 330- 672-2872 or lhajibay@kent.edu.
Thank you in advance for your help.
L.P. Coladangelo (he/him)
PhD Candidate, College of Communication and Information, Kent State University
Study Title: Exploring Knowledge Practices of Callers as Core Practitioners of Gender-Free Contra Dance
Principal Investigator Name: L.P. Coladangelo (PhD Candidate), Dr. Lala Hajibayova (Advisor)
You are being invited to participate in a research study about gender-free contra dance callers that is being conducted by L.P. Coladangelo at Kent State University. This study has been approved by the Kent State University IRB.
Participation is confidential and involves answering a questionnaire that will take 30-45 minutes.
Eligible participants need only be over the age of 18 and currently identify as a contra dance caller.
All participants who complete the survey will be part of a drawing to win one of two $50 Visa Gift Cards.
If you wish to participate in this study, please click on the link below.
Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me at lcoladan@kent.edu or Dr. Lala Hajibayova at 330- 672-2872 or lhajibay@kent.edu.