Below is one of mine from a similar series - the one of those I've called so far. I'm going to test the other [B1 variation] shown here next time I get a chance.

On your other questions, Lynne Ackerson's Coconut Cream Pie is a fave as it's interesting yet bulletproof with mixed crowds (and I use it so much, I wrote another dance leveraged from it to have some variation - Boston Cream Pie). I also share your fondness for Rick's dance so I swapped bits of Up All Night to generate one to pair for an alternating dance - Insomniac's Delight (Gents Left Star, Grand L & R, See Saw).

Oceans 4 (DRAFT) - 4 Face 4 - Don Veino 20161204

Note this dance never converts to a square formation. Tune suggestion: Thomas Shrug's March.

Give & Take (Up/Down), Gent take Neighbor Lady back and Swing

(4,4) Pass the Ocean (Up/Down), Wave Balance Fwd/Back
[NOTE all Gents are on outside oval facing clockwise, Ladies are inside facing CCW]
(8) Simultaneously:
Ladies in center (across) Half Hey (Ladies facing center start passing Right)
Gents Circulate 2 Places (wrap around ends) [I TEACH/CALL THIS AS AN ORBIT 1/2 to stay with more typical contra language for dancers]
[Form similar Ocean Waves aligned up/down with Right Hand to same G&T Neighbor]

Wave Balance Right (toward N) & Left, Neighbor Box the Gnat
[Not yet tested variation: Balance Fwd/Back, N Allemande Rt 1/2x]
Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2 (to P)

Partner Balance & Swing, end facing progression

First called at the Monday Contras dance in Concord, MA on Dec. 19, 2016