I was thinking of 3 facing 3 progressive dances when I saw this request.  

These dances are fun and energetic but have limited applications, for when there is a significant gender imbalance.  Superbowl Monday was an idea to deal with the odd phenomenon at the St. Louis contra dance on Superbowl Sundays, there were always a lot more gents than ladies at the dance which takes place in the Monday club.

Superbowl Monday  3 facing 3, 2 gents, 1 lady in the middle
A1 Ladies allemande left 1 1/2
     Ladies pick a neighbor to swing
A2 Swinging Gents  Allemande left 1 1/2
     Scoop partner, star promenade, butterfly whirl
B1 Idle gent balance and swing partner (end swing facing other partner)
B2 3 circle left
     3 zig left, pass, zag right (gent that just swung his partner leads out left to start zig)

3 facing 3, 2 ladies and a gent.
A1 Gents allemande left 1 1/2
     Pick a neighbor to swing
A2 Swinging ladies allemande right 1 1/2
     Scoop your guy star promenade, butterfly whirl
B1 Idle lady balance and swing partner
B2 3 circle left
     Zig left, pass, zag right (gent leads out to the left)

On Tue, Nov 8, 2022 at 4:25 PM Tepfer, Seth via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
This might be too hubristic, but I'm pretty happy with my triplet that makes use of Luke Donforth's 'starburst' figure (sort of a half-dolphin hey) called "Kimbi's a Star". Not a contra corners anywhere.

Title: Kimbi’s A Star

Author: Seth Tepfer, 2019

Formation: 3 couple set, proper

Tune: The New Bag, 2019

Tune Author: Dave Marcus

Tempo: 110

A1: Up a double, and fall back; down a double, fall back

A2: Set advancing toward partner, turn single back to place; pattern two hand turn

B1: Top two couples (1s and 2s) Circle left 1x; bottom two couples (2s and 3s) Circle right 1x

B2: Top two couples (1s and 2s) Right hand star 1x; 1s and 2s Starburst* down one place down the set, 3s pause 3 counts then surge to top place


End 3-1-2

Starburst: Top 2 lead out of set the direction they were facing for 4 counts, turn and travel down the set for 1 count, turn and travel back into the set for three. Most time spent leaving set, Not traveling down. Feels like the end part of a dolphin hey

Top 2 couples get out of the way!  Couple 3 must wait 3 beats before moving forward. Move forward quickly at first then slow down. 

Video of dance: https://www.facebook.com/1009243795/videos/10217927828839884/
Sheet Music: https://www.reelplayband.com/the-new-bag.html

Seth Tepfer, MBA, CSM, PMP (he, him, his)

Senior IT Manager, Emory Primate Center

From: Louise Siddons via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 3:18 AM
To: Winston, Alan P. <winston@slac.stanford.edu>
Cc: callers@sharedweight.net <callers@sharedweight.net>
Subject: [External] [Callers] Re: 3-facing-3 dances / triplets w/o contra corners
Thanks to everyone who has replied so far; I’m compiling a list to share with workshop participants (some of whom aren’t on here), and can share it Aug the list as well if it’s of interest.

Some quick replies to Alan’s points.

> On Nov 7, 2022, at 11:51 PM, Winston, Alan P. <winston@slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Somewhat puzzled by parameters of the question.  It's an arbitrary distinction but I've only encountered "Pleasure Vest" in ECD dances here so that's how I thought of it.

If the puzzlement is about genre then yes, you caught me. I’ve already completely absorbed the UK’s lack of hard distinctions between contra and ECD and this didn’t even occur to me. Having said that, there are “contra” triplets (and other dances) without swings because Americans also used to have more diversity in their contra dancing, as has been rehearsed on this list and elsewhere many times. And I have no idea how Colin would feel about it, but I have taught/called the Pleasure-Vest to tunes other than the one he suggests because it’s a square contra tune and plenty of other tunes work beautifully. Which is also a bit of a British attitude!

> Also are you asking for both unclear on whenther you're asking for both threesome Sicilians and three couple set dances.

I thought I was clear by saying “and another question that came up,” but yes, we are looking for both. Although 3-f-3 could be longways as well as Sicilian.

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