This contra has a miniaturized grand square for 4.
Mini Grand Swing improper by Jim Hemphill
To start, face your neighbor, 2's step apart, 1's step forward between
A1 Handy Hand allemande 1 1/2
2's swing*
A2 Neighbor balance and swing
B1 Long lines
1's swing, end with all facing across**
B2 Mini grand square, 1's apart, 2's come together. 1's up, 2's down.
1's together, 2's apart. 1's down, 2's up and on to next.
Teaching Notes: * The transition between A1 and A2 is a bit unusual in that couple 1 ends up slightly below couple 2 coming out of the handy hand allemande, so it really works nicely for couple 2 to end their swing facing down and gent 2 twirl the lady across to the neighbor for the swing. For the mini grand square have couple 1 remain close together and all face their partner at the end of the couple 1 swing, use same rythm as a normal grand square, 1,2,3, turn. 1's take 3 small steps apart then turn up set while the 2's take 3 small steps together and turn down, couples take 3 small steps up/down hall then turn to face across: 2's take 3 steps apart and turn up, 1's 3 steps together then turn down: on the last leg couples take 4 steps up/down to progress to next neighbors.. Emphasize dancers travel up the outside and down the inside.