Nice!  I love Dolphin heys! 

As an aside, I was thinking how great it would be if contra dancers had hey for 3s in their rep so they could more easily adapt a dance if one of their hands-four dropped out for some reason.  Then the other couple wouldn't have to go to the bottom.  Kind of like when at the end of a 4 x 4 people do it with just the 4 dancers. 


On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 11:36 PM, Luke Donforth via Callers <> wrote:
Hello all,

I'm sharing a link to a pod of dances I recently wrote:
rather than putting all 5 and the descriptions up here. I'll put one at the bottom.

I was at the English Country Dance in Brattleboro before the Dawn Dance, and Nikki Herbst called a dance with a dolphin hey; and it was such fun I decided to write contra dances with it.

For those of you (like recently me) not familiar with a dolphin hey, it's 4 people doing a hey for 3; with the 1s acting as a unit and trading leads (like a school of fish) when the reach either end and loop back in. For instance, at 1:32 in this lovely video of Sapphire Sea:

​I don't have video of the contra dances (although I have called a couple of them at contras and they've worked).​

​Also, if you just search Dolphin Hey on google, you find:​

​Which, given how much time I've spent navel gazing about the move, I admit to thinking is hilarious. ​

My favorite
​(so far) of the 5 I've written is below. I'm curious if anyone else has already ported this move from ECD into contra.


Kinematic Dolphin Vorticity
Luke Donforth
Type: Contra
Formation: Duple-Improper

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) 2s hand cast the 1s down through the middle to a line of 4
1s turn to face lady 2
A2 -----------
(16) Dolphin hey for 3, 1s (gent starting in lead) pass lady 2 by left
7 changes, until at gents home side with partner second time
B1 -----------
(16) Partner gypsy and swing
B2 -----------
(6) Circle Left 3/4
(10) Swing neighbor

Notes: The dancers will probably get to the partner gypsy a little early. They can get a little more gypsy, or swoop wideley on the hey.

Other Notes: The title comes from Carol Ormand’s Kinematic Vorticity, which has the same A1 and B2. ​

Luke Donforth

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