Hi Rich,

              I call them:

* As the first dance when there are lots of beginners.  Quite often they will dance with each other, so doing a dance with only a Neighbour Swing means that they get to learn to swing with lots of other people before doing a Partner Swing dance together.


* When I am working with older groups who don’t enjoy swinging as much as when they were younger.


* For variety!  I get so bored with half a dance being taken up by N B&S, Cir 3/4, P Sw or N B&S, Men Alle L 1.5, P Sw.  There are lots of other wonderful moves to fill your dance with!


              Don’t get me wrong, I love to swing, but not everyone wants it all the time.


              No, I don’t usually tell them in advance.  They probably aren’t listening anyway :-)   If that happens to me with a favourite swinging partner then we usually agree that that dance didn’t count and we have another one together.


              I work a lot with older and less experienced dancers who don’t need or want to swing in every dance, so none of these have a Partner Swing:













              Some of them are training dances to teach certain moves and are aimed at beginners.


            Happy dancing,                         



John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john@modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574                         

http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events & DVDs                               

http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent