
I believe that's Old North State by Dean Snipes.

I have been playing with several similar sequences, which I include below for all to enjoy. Please provide feedback if you do so:

Warped Waves
By Jerome Grisanti
Four facing Four

[Note your trail buddies are in your line of four, you won't interact with them until later.]

A1: In rings of 4, circle Left 3/4,
Opposite Neighbor swing.
A2: Lines of four, forward and back,
Pass the ocean, Ladies trade (aka centers allemamnde left 1/2).
B1: Balance, Box Circulate,
Balance, Box Circulate.
B2: Partners Balance and Swing.

[For orientation, you might point out that the box circulates result in you trading places with your trail buddies.]


Mee Cro WAH Vay 
By Jerome Grisanti
Four facing Four

A1: In rings of 4, circle Left 3/4,
Opposite Neighbor swing.
A2: Rings of 4 balance, Pass the ocean, Balance, Box Circulate.
B1: Balance, Box Circulate, Balance, Swing Thru. ("Swing thru" from a wavy line: everyone allemande right halfway, those who can turn left halfway)
B2: Partners Balance and Swing.

(NOTE: Title is Italian pronunciation rules applied to the word "Microwave")


On Thu, Jun 20, 2024, 3:07 PM Erik Hoffman via Contra Callers <> wrote:

Hi All,


I collected this dance from Gordy Euler in Berkeley in 2012. I’m finally thinking of calling it, but I didn’t collect the name or choreographer. Can any one help?


The dance:

Double Contra or “Mescalesa” (wherever that name came from)


A1    Up & Down in Lines of 4: Give & Take (Men pull);  “Opposite” Sw

A2    Lines of 4 Forward & Back; Men Al L 1½ to

        Take Partners Right Hand in Long Waves

B1    Box Circulate (right) X 2

B2    Pt Balance & Swing



Erik Hoffman, Oakland, CA

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