Please take a look at this dance and let me know if you know it to be already written in this way. The slice in the beginning can be changed into a double slice (left diagonal forward to new neighbors, left diagonal back to next new neighbors) to make it a double progression, giving more dancers a chance to be the dolphin couple. I called this in Santa Barbara, CA, on 9/30, with the double slice. The dancers gave the dance a thumbs up.
Click on these words for a video link.Iluka Iluka
by Jacqui Grennan
A1 -----------
** BECKET ** ID Lady 1 and Gent 2 (AKA “top couple”)
(8) LEFT DIAGONAL - Slice (single progression) or double slice (double progression) to new Neighbors
(8) Lady 1 & Gent 2 (”top couple”) left shoulder ‘round 1-1/2 to face Lady 2
A2 -----------
(14) Dolphin Hey for 3 (6 passes) - Dolphins pass Lady 2 right, end by passing Lady 2 at the same place where the hey was started
(2) Lady 2 cross the set
B1 -----------
(16) Neighbor right shoulder ‘round/Swing
B2 -----------
(6) Circle left 3/4
(10) Partner Swing