Thanks Rich.

Agreed, in the MSWD Community the terms are generally not a problem, but in the same way that in the contra dance community they weren't a problem 20 years ago.

What is a problem is that whilst women can dance the boys role, for men to dance the girls role is frowned upon unless the alternative is not enough for a square.  I like dancing the girls role as well as the boys, but rarely get to do so.  I say it's a problem - but only I seem to see it as one.  Everyone else is too busy tutting at me for donning a pink sash and dancing lady.  Rather reminiscent of what Contra was like not so many years ago.

In the UK we rarely see role-swapping in MWSD.  Men hardly ever dance as girls, and women who dance as boys usually do so exclusively.  There is little true swapping, whereby a person might dance girl one time and boy the next.

It IS generational, but also one of the reasons MWSD is struggling to survive.  Change must come if MWSD is to continue, and if we leave it too late, then, well, it will be too late.  There will be no community left to carry on the dancing.  For all the reasons mentioned, change will be hard, so we need to start sooner rather than later.

I also believe the gender norms contribute to the current inability of most MWSD dancer to do moves from anything other than normal positions - something Callerlab is concerned about.

Perhaps I should lobby Callerlab!


On 27 September 2016 at 15:44, Rich Sbardella <> wrote:

Perhaps this is a partially generational concern.

In the MWSD community today, there is much role swapping among dancers.  Most often ladies are dancing the gents' role.  The terms boys and girls, are roles much like ladies and gents in the contra scene.  Although I call fewer MWSD events these days, in 25 years have never encountered opposition, or even concern about these terms at a MWSD event.  Many out dated gender specific terms are used in the activity as well, for example, lads and lassies, and ruffles and beaus.  All these terms are part of their dance "tradition".

The MWSD community is generally much older, and does not have problems with these traditional dance terms.  As noted the terms are often selected to fit within the rhythm and rhyme of patter.  As a caller who calls to both MWSD and contra communities, I am trying very hard to eliminate boys and girls, and it is very hard.  It is like speaking a new language language, and having no time to think about what comes next.  It all happens so fast.

As most of the MWSD community ages out, perhaps gender terms will become a concern, but I do not see that happening any time soon.

Rich Sbardella
Stafford, CT

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Angela DeCarlis via Callers <> wrote:
I imagine that the conversation must be much more complex in MWSD given the tradition of patter.  As I understand it, oftentimes the decision of which term to label each role is determined by what might best rhyme with the following call, or by how many syllables you have time to say.

While it's probably a much more ambitious endeavor -- and one which I'm sure as a contra dance caller I have very little grasp of -- I would say that many MWSD communities are ready to handle a role-term change, but that it would take exceedingly creative and experienced callers within that tradition to help determine what those might look like.

Good luck!  

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Jeremy Child via Callers <> wrote:

This is for the MWSD callers amongst you.

There has been much discussion on this group about the terms used for the two roles in contra dance.  I do not propose to resurrect that here, I mention it to emphasise that many feel the terms used to be important, and that we should be moving away from any gender connotation in them.

MWSD uses Ladies, Gents, Men, Women, Girls, Boys - all highly gendered.  Is it time we changed these?  If so, how?  In theory with Callerlab it will be easier, but I suspect they would strongly resist such a change, since the "maleness" and "femaleness" of the roles (e.g. skirt work) is such a fundamental part of what MWSD is.


(Apologies to those to whom this is all gibberish)

Jeremy Child

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