I have a number of no-swing, never moving out of "home place" duple minors, and I will try to find a moment to type up the rest - but here is the one I almost always call first (after spiral dance and circle mixer - and during the circle mixer I ensure to use at least one of the 2-person figures that appear in this dance - ie either the right hand balance and pull-by, or a right or left allemande)
with a good tune, the more experienced dancers still enjoy it - last Saturday our band played "the Porthole of the Kelp" reel with it, and it was excellent!
I also generally dance this one in Sicilian circle formation and then do the following one in contra lines... but it evidently works just fine either way.
I also use the opportunity in this dance to explain and demo to the beginners the great flow between the partner right hand allemande and the neighbour left allemande.. "don't just perform the one allemande, stop, then start the next - find a way to never stop moving as you flow from one figure into the next"
Kat's very simple contra
(i've never searched to see If anyone invented this before me..)
also note I use "right hand/left hand turn" to mean an allemande.
Circle left
circle right
right hand star
left hand star
Partner: right hand turn
Neighbour: left hand turn
All: balance the ring 2x
Neighbour: rt balance once, pull by to new group