Last night at bedtime my 5 year old daughter and I had the following interaction:

Raeden: "Daddy. I want to write a new dance, Pony Fun."
Me: "OK, how does it go?"
R: "Star, Star, Swing. Swing, Courtesy Turn, Circle 3 places, Pass Through, repeat."

A little bit of back and forth figuring out the glue resulted in the following. Has someone else written it first?


Pony Fun - DI - Raeden Veino 20161012

Star Left
Neighbor Allemande Left 1x
Gents start Hands-Across Star Right (1/4x)

Ladies join Star behind N, all Star Right 3/4x
Partner Swing

Give & Take to Gents Side, N Swing

Ladies Chain
Circle Left 3/4, Pass Through

BTW, in case you may call this, Raeden's name is pronounced "RAY-den VEE-no"