The hands meet with very little impact, about as clapping your own hands together.

It's definitely possible to contact someone's hand hard enough to hurt them with this style, and sometimes overenthusiastic dancers do this, but I think that's pretty rare.

The important part is the timing satisfaction of the hands coming together exactly with the music, on beats #7 and #8, not the making noise.


On Thu, May 23, 2024, 3:11 PM John Sweeney via Contra Callers <> wrote:



            Happy dancing,



John Sweeney, Dancer, England             


From: Jeff Kaufman via Contra Callers <>

A kind of "clapping" I like a lot on Rory O'Mores is when you balance right and left, slide right, and then on beats "7" and "8" you percussively (but without so much force that you hurt anyone!) connect hands in the new wave with first your left hand and then your right.  And the left/right reverse when sliding back.  It's a nice bit of connection, though it does require good timing.


(This is different from clapping your own hands together on beats "7-and" and "8", petronella-style)



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