Hi, Bill,I'm pretty sure Cary Ravitz first developed the figure we call "gypsy star." I know three of his dances which use the figure. "Woven Waves" and "Gypsy Star" were both written in May 1999. "Gypsy Waves" was written in 2013.I haven't seen it in many other dances. Ryan Smith and I helped Stacey Lang write a dance with the figure called "The Fault in Our Stars." See http://www.twirlyshirts.com/dances/by-ryan/the-fault-in-our-stars/Dugan MurphyOn Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Bill Olson <callbill@hotmail.com> wrote:Dugan and all, I don't know if Cary Ravitz actually "invented" the Gypsy Star but he wrote a dance entitled that and a lot of others that include it. Dugan, you're sort of Cary's protégé, right?, so you must know the dance. This is the same figure, correct??
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