
Dick Leger published an LP of contras written by Roger Whynot.  The LP was aimed at square dancers and included Flutter Wheel and Sweep 1/4 More.  Perhaps I will be able to find it later and post some dances.

I called contras at the New England Square and Round Dance Convention this year and the dancers enjoyed contras that I also call at modern contra dances,  Keep the progressions simple, and keep the swings short.

Stafford, CT

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Judy Greenhill via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have undertaken to teach some modern square dancers how to contra dance, and I’m wondering if anyone has experience with this and has any dances to recommend? I’m a square dancer myself but most of my contra repertoire is for modern contra dancers- 2 swings, lots of Balance and swing, etc. I’d like more dances with MWSD moves in them and possibly without any, or only 1, swing, and they don’t need to have a partner swing. The dancers I am teaching are all either plus or advanced, so they will tire pretty quickly of the usual simple glossary contras I would normally do in a teaching situation. They can do the moves; it’s the formation that is new to them.





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