My understanding has been that this is a traditional Danish dance, called a Familiavalz (which means Family Waltz). Is that incorrect?
Jacob Bloom

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025, 10:22 PM Jerome Grisanti via Contra Callers <> wrote:

Wow, ask and you shall receive! Thanks for all the references and tips! I actually own several of those sources, books I've skimmed once or twice but not lately.

I'm calling as the last dance of the evening at a regular series event, but this particular event also honors a long-time dancer from the Louisville community who died last summer. Several of us think she would appreciate the waltz mixer.

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025, 9:31 PM Winston, Alan P. via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Posts and Spinners!  Nice, Sue.  That's better than my "Travelers" and "Stayers", which I guess could have been "Visitors and Hosts".

(I have to say I've found this inevitably fragile if you have drunk people or a lot of kids or just people who don't want to leave the partner they lined up with, and you can end up with a bunch of Posts who have no Spinners and a flood of spinners stuck behind someone who isn't traveling.)

-- Alan

From: Sue C. Hulsether via Contra Callers <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2025 6:14 PM
To: Don Veino;
Subject: [Callers] Re: Searching for Title & Author

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I think I heard Peter Amidon say once something like this:  “this dance doesn’t really have a name, it’s kind of the ubiquitous circle waltz mixer.”  So I call it Ubi Waltz.
However, i have had a few people emphatically tell me it’s called the Oslo Waltz.   It’s possible that some people believe that the Oslo Waltz has a couples’ waltz for the entire B2.

Author?  no clue.

Also, I tend to call this dance a lot with private party gigs and One-Shot-Deal gigs and even with kids, and I label the two roles:  Posts and Spinners.



Sue Hulsether
New Day Hoedown LLC<>
608-632-1267  Cell
P.O. Box 363, Viroqua, WI 54665

On Jan 15, 2025, at 4:24 PM, Don Veino via Contra Callers <<>> wrote:

It's in the NEDM Sashay the Donut book, pg 26 as "Circle Waltz Mixer".

On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 5:22 PM Jerome Grisanti via Contra Callers <<>> wrote:

I've got a circle mixer that I collected 15-20 years ago. The caller may have been Becky Hill, maybe not. It's for a 32-bar waltz. I'm searching for the title and author.

Starts with a ring of couples all facing the center:
A1 Balance forward & back, roll away (ladies/robins moving in front from Left to Right), Repeat
A2 Repeat twice more
B1 As couples, face center connected by usual hands (gents/larks right, ladies/robins left). Balance while turning away back (together), then (letting go) turn symmetrically away to face out and take other hands.
Balance away and together, turn symmetrically away to face each other
B2 Take the ballroom position, take two waltz steps (step, close, step, close) into circle, then two steps out, then free waltz four waltz steps, ending by unfolding to reform a circle.

Thanks for whatever help you can provide!

Jerome Grisanti

Jerome Grisanti

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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