my "Vote Blue No Matter Who," tweaked for this election cycle:

(let me know how it goes if you call this one!)

Vote Blue No Matter Who, Version 2.024 (5-2-24) by Elizabeth Bloom Albert

Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; this dance progresses clockwise.


A1*    (2) Slide Left to new neighbors:

(6) Ladies Do-Si-Do 1 x

(8) Swing Partner


A2      (4) Ladies: R-hand Balance

          (4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}

(4) Gents: R-hand Balance

          (4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Don’t drop hands}


B1      (8) [Hands Across] Star Right

[End in Wavy Lines up/down hall with Gents facing in]

          (4) Balance the [Blue!] wave

          (4) Balance the wave again


B2      (8) Gents cross Left, for Half a Hey

(8) Swing Partner (again)




A1: CALLER: During walk thru and 1st time thru, couples do not shift left, dancing instead with couple across.