So I remember the 4 facing 4 configuration as being called a "Portland Fancy" or "as in Portland Fancy". The "Portland Fancy" dance itself dates back to the 1800's and has several versions. Here's a 32 bar one from David Millstone: The
B part has "lines forward and back" and then pass thru to start again.. Pretty clear what F&B means, but when I call the dance I always call "lines of 4 forward and back" as several others have suggested on this thread.
In doing my research on this, I came across this video entitled Portland Fancy with Judy Garland and Gene Kelly. This is from the 1950 film "Summer Stock" where an old time barn dance disintegrates into a swing dance.. Kind of says what was happening back in
the 50's with traditional dancing but somehow, we survived.. heh heh.. here it is: