Top walls sashay to opposite side (if gendered: "Drive in the right lane, men passing back to back")
Side walls advance, left hand allemande, retire
Top walls sashay home
Everyone dosido partner,
do-SA-do partner,
promenade to next WALL.
Do the dance four times with calls, four times "on your own"
prep practice: Tops advance, meet/identify your opposite, retire. Sides
in, identify, retire. All promenade to next wall.
on size of hall, number of couples, and experience level/sobriety of
dancers, this could either be cleanly/tightly phrased or a total
pig-pile, sorta like Foula Reel.
I'm going to totally try this at our
(small, square-shaped, local, fun-loving and open-minded) Peirce's Hall
this weekend, if Steve Howland will share the mic for a moment, but before I do:
Does this already exist, and I've just forgotten?
Or anything similar?
Does it work in real life, with the right crowd/band/hall?
Kinda excited to find out...