Angela can you gorwRd me the Barak dance. Thanks

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-------- Original message --------
From: Angela DeCarlis via Contra Callers <>
Date: 7/23/24 2:06 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Julian Blechner <>
Cc: Contra Callers <>
Subject: [Callers] Re: In light of recent developments

"That said, there's abundant evidence that the party that routinely cuts funding for arts - which directly impacts so much of folk music and dance - isn't the blue one. How appropriate that is in a dance title? Debatable, sure. But appropriate in a discussion about folk music and dance? Absolutely relevant to our collective thriving."

Couldn't agree more, Julian. Vicki and I are here in Florida where arts funding was just cut altogether — people in my universe (visual arts, galleries, public arts programming, theater, etc) are all panicking.

It is tricky, though, for those of us here who call to politically mixed crowds. It's easy for some callers on this list to forget that dances like this exist all over! Part of what I love about contra dancing is that it is a bipartisan activity that brings people together. As such, I don't think I'd be comfortable calling a dance with this title in my communities. Frankly, it's political enough for me to arrive onstage as my nonbinary, they/them-using self.

I do call Maia McCormick's dance Barack Me, Obamadeus. Less of a directive, more neutral, and it makes me laugh every time!


On Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 10:47 AM Julian Blechner via Contra Callers <> wrote:

The "no political stances" isn't really accurate. 501c3s cannot endorse candidates.

If the rule was "non-profits can't take a political stand", a huge number of churches would lose tax-exempt status.

On a personal level, I might encourage caution for any choreographer with a message about a political party.

But I'd also point out that folk music and dance has a deep tradition of being political. Guthrie. Dolly. Heck, Jazz and Blues merely existing was radical at the time. Anti-war 50s/60s folk revival. Anti-slavery gospel and plantation songs. Pro-labor songs. I'm sure y'all can think of many more examples.

I would hope and assume any on this list who'd raise a voice of caution are doing so from the spirit of helping fellow creatives be successful and express themselves.

That said, there's abundant evidence that the party that routinely cuts funding for arts - which directly impacts so much of folk music and dance - isn't the blue one. How appropriate that is in a dance title? Debatable, sure. But appropriate in a discussion about folk music and dance? Absolutely relevant to our collective thriving.

In dance,

Julian Blechner


Western Mass

On Tue, Jul 23, 2024, 8:09 AM Vicki Morrison via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Considering all of the efforts our dance community makes to be welcoming and inclusive, the title of this dance does just the opposite by appearing unwelcoming and exclusive. Plus, as Mac said, non-profit organizations risk losing their status by taking political stands.

Vicki Morrison

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 12:47 AM, Mac Mckeever via Contra Callers <> wrote:

You are  aware that not-for-profits can not take any kind of political stand or they can lose their standing.  Just takes one  dancer on the red side to report you.

I'd check with your attorney before doing this.


On Monday, July 22, 2024 at 05:59:01 PM CDT, Jonathan Sivier via Contra Callers <> wrote:

I have a couple of gigs next month.  I'll give it a try.

Jonathan Sivier
Caller of Contra, Square, English and Early American Dances
Dance Page:
Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
A: It depends on what dance you call!

On 7/22/2024 5:00 PM, Elizabeth Bloom Albert via Contra Callers wrote:
> *my "**Vote Blue No Matter Who,**" tweaked for this election cycle:*
> *(let me know how it goes if you call this one!)*
> *
> *
> *Vote Blue No Matter Who, Version 2.024 *(5-2-24) /by Elizabeth Bloom Albert /**
> Becket formation; start one-quarter turn to left of Improper; this dance progresses clockwise.
> A1*    (2) Slide Left to new neighbors:
> (6) Ladies Do-Si-Do 1 x
> (8) Swing Partner
> A2      (4) Ladies: R-hand Balance
>            (4) Ladies: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Drop hands}
> (4) Gents: R-hand Balance
>            (4) Gents: Pull-by R to switch [places] {Don’t drop hands}
> B1      (8) [Hands Across] Star Right
> [End in Wavy Lines up/down hall with Gents facing in]
>            (4) Balance the [Blue!] wave
>            (4) Balance the wave again
> B2      (8) Gents cross Left, for Half a Hey
> (8) Swing Partner (again)
> A1: CALLER: During walk thru and 1st time thru, couples do not shift left, dancing instead with couple across.
> /
> /
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