Thanks for this thread!  My group is tired of me bailing out to a small collection of trivial contras (Airpants, Midwest Folklore...).

How about the easiest dance *that experienced dancers don't mind dancing*? I have always disliked the "full washing machine" of circle left, circle right, star right, star left.  Even a half-wash makes my shoulders sag, inwardly.  Of course, I will try to do them with a smile and encourage both the new dancers and the caller.  But, surely we can make it a little more interesting without losing the newbies.  Airpants and Midwest Folklore do, though they involve swings. Elbow or crossed-hand swings are fine for this and don't need to be taught outside of a walkthrough. If I'm using these dances in a workshop, I do tell the experienced dancers not to teach the ballroom swing, we'll get to that in a minute.  Otherwise, they all try.


On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 7:27 PM Katherine Kitching via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Here are a couple more that I wrote, that I called the other night and went very well.
(again, I haven't searched to see if they exist already)

these all build on the skills we did in my "very simple contra" in the sicilian formation, that I outlined in a previous message.

1. "Off they go"

- Circle left
- Circle right
- (still holding hands) - walk 4 steps left then 4 steps right (or call it a giant oval left then right if you prefer)

- partner do si do
- neighbour left hand turn (allemande)
- partner 2 hand balance twice (I suggest the convention of veering slightly to the left the first balance, and slightly to the right on the second, for interest)
- holding inside hands with your partner facing the other couple, veer on a forward right diagonal to pass the other couple, then on a forward left diagonal to meet the next couple

2. "first out of place dance" (at a brisk pace)
people found this very fun!!

- circle left
- circle right
- partner do si do
- neighbour 2 hand balance once, and baby turn (ie switch places, by circling while holding 2 hands in the same direction you would in a 2 hand turn or swing - can also say - switch places with your neighbour, with the ravens going on the inside)

- LLF, balance partner by the right one time and pull by (to switch places w partner)
- LLF, just pull by the right (no balance) - give a little nod and stomp to your old group, turn to face the new

3. " first down the hall dance"

-1's split the 2's and all walk down the hall in line of 4, turn alone
- come on back, bend line
- circle left
- circle right

- partner left shoulder round
- neighbour right hand turn (allemande)
- all circle left again
- left hand star to new group

4. "first swing (or 2 hand turn) dance"

- N bal and 2 hand turn (or swing, depending on level of dancers), for 16
- Partner left shoulder round

- Neighbour right shoulder round
- circle left
- circle right
- balance the circle one time, 2 hand balance your partner one time, turn to face new group

There were 2 more dances in my sequence after this, but they wouldn't qualify as super easy.  (though probably still easier than most of you call!! :) )

- Kat k
in Hfx, NS, CA
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