After a bit of pondering, I came up with the following to throw against the wall and see whether anything sticks. It contains the two requested elements plus a bonus eddy.  It hasn't been danced outside of my head.  I don't know how to call it crisply.  It does seem to me that for the first teaching walk-through I would have everyone back up one place so they could get a feel for the progression.  Note that the balances to a slide/spin start in the opposite direction from the more common right then left. 

Becket, clockwise progression.  
A1 – 1    Facing direction of travel, walk forward to new neighbors.  Larks join right hands.  Robins fall in behind partners and join right hands.  Star three places so robins are on their original sides in front of their neighboring larks.
-2 Robins peel off over their shoulders and orbit halfway while larks continue star all the way around.  All meet their partners with left hands and form a short wavy line.
A2 – 1  Balance left with partner and slide/spin left.
- 2 Balance right with partner and slide/spin right
B1 – Balance and swing partner
B2 – Full hey for four, larks and robins both ricocheting on the second passing.  End on the original side facing the original direction.  

A1 could end with a quarter heft hand turn with partner into long wavy lines.  The Rory O'More could then go right and left with shadow and then back to partner for the B1 balance and swing. 

Dave Harding

On 5/15/2024 12:33 PM, Joseph Erhard-Hudson via Contra Callers wrote:

This title and concept for a dance burst into my head during the recent auroras. 

It ought to have shifting wavy lines, of course, and is there a way to have an orbit around a star?  Ooh! A hands across star where a pair spits out and goes outward and into orbit…

Anyway, I don’t have the compositional chops to develop it in a timely way, but I would love to see it exist. If my notion inspires anyone to write it, hooray. 


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