The dance below has signs of being old-school. These days, in modern choreography, many caller state what can almost be considered universal rule: in a swing, the Robin/Lady ends always on the right. In the old days, as recently as the mid 90s, we still did dances where swings ended as below, where the swing ends with dancers backing into their lines, facing each other.


I’ve been on a sort of personal mission to occasionally call Petronella, which modern dancers adapt too readily, and many seem to like learning about the Chestnuts and it seems the tune, Petronella is still in the jamming lexicon. I’m starting to ask bands if they are willing to play Rory O’More, and teach what we used to call the best dances in the world for the active couples.


It seems, since callers say, “as in Petronella,” or, “as in Rory O’More,” and I look around seeing may one or often no one who has danced either of these Chestnuts that fell out of favor. I think, at the very least, it’s good to see where these signature figures come from.



~Erik Hoffman


From: Jeff Kaufman via Contra Callers <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 2:09 PM
To: Allison and Hunt Smith <>
Cc: Contra Callers <>
Subject: [Callers] Re: Identify another dance?



I'd pretty strongly discourage a new caller from trying out that dance, regardless of name: ending a swing in the middle of the phrase is not something the dancers will be expecting, and they'll keep having issues with people swinging to the end of the B1 when they try to drop out.




On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 4:56PM Allison and Hunt Smith via Contra Callers <> wrote:

Hello, all. I am mentoring a wanna-be caller who took notes when she first went to dances 40 years ago and wants to try one of those dances. She thinks it went like the following. Can anyone identify it? Thanks!!

A-1     Neighbor balance and swing (16)
A-2     Circle left (8)
         Partners do-si-do  (8)

B      One's  swing in center (end up where you started!) (8)

        Chain over and back (16)
         Star Right - around to NEW neighbor (8)



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