Title: untitled
Author: Seth Tepfer
Formation: Improper
Date: 1/21/2023
A1: Circle Left; Neighbor Swing
A2: Long Lines (8); 1s DSD (8);
B1: 1s ‘lady round two, gent drop thru; gent round two, lady drop through’
B2: 1s balance and swing
Title: Dahlonega Cozy
Author: Seth Tepfer
Formation: improper
Date: 1/21/2023
A1: N DSD (8); neighbor swing (8)
A2: Down the hall, come back cozy
B1: cloverleaf 3 places (8); partner swing (8)
B2: Circle left 3/4 (8); bal ring (4), pass thru (4)
Title: Dahlonega ContraFlow(tm) and Weave
Author: Seth Tepfer
Formation: Sicillian
Date: 1/21/2023
A1: [weave left, weave right] x2
A2: N DSD (8); neighbor swing (8)
B1: larks allemande left 1.5 (8); partner swing (8)
B2: bal ring 2X (8); circle right 3/4, weave right
Seth Tepfer, MBA, CSM, PMP (he, him, his)