For hey, mad robin, etc.: "This next move we're going to learn is a fancy way of getting right back where you started."

And for a full hey (esp. combined with the above): "look at your [partner/neighbor] and say, 'whatever happens, I'll meet you here for a balance and swing.'" (This may seem silly, but I think that having dancers do something with the information give them, even if it's just to repeat it aloud in a silly way, makes them internalize it better than you just talking at them over the mic.

I'm sure I have a LOT more. That and whenever the band is taking a while to get ready, I usually offer(/threaten) to tell jokes...

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 2:37 PM Jerome Grisanti via Contra Callers <> wrote:
I don't do this now because of changing norms, but formerly during lessons I would note that "promenade" was French for "walk," and "do-si-do" was French for "back to back," and when I had dancers in their first hands-four and had the ones cross over, I noted that we now had a "he-she-he-she" circle, which is French for "boy-girl-boy-girl."

Also, at the end of a square, "Thank your partners. Apologize to your corners." (Not to be used if squares fell apart, only if all went well).

As people are taking hands four: "Neighbors do-si-do. [pause] If you missed it, you still end up in hands four. Ready?"


Jerome Grisanti

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 9:03 AM Richard Hart via Contra Callers <> wrote:
I sometimes hear callers use quick one liners to make dancers smile, to keep their attention, and to help them remember a move. Here’s a couple I have heard and use during walkthroughs sometimes.

1. For a petronella turn:

“Take hands in a ring.
Balance the ring.
Look at the person in your right hand.
They don’t know you are looking at them because they are looking at someone else.
You will be standing exactly where they are...... “

2. For an a la main left:

“Raise your left hand as if you were going to do an a la main left.
Now do an a la main left.....”

What other similar one liners do others use - if any?

Rich Hart.

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