I'm sorry, maybe it's because I'm doubting that this can be so simple and I'm triple-guessing myself.

Yeah, original.

Progress and swing neighbor on Lark's home side.
Trade one role to be opposite neighbor.
Top or bottom couple do Contra Corners
Pass Neighbor, swing partner somehow.

On Tue, Apr 18, 2023, 10:31 PM Julian Blechner <juliancallsdances@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, crossed wires and hit send before final proofing.

A2 would need to amount to a zero move, so:

Chain + Back, or
LLFB+Rollaway x2 or
R+L Thru + Back


On Tue, Apr 18, 2023, 10:21 PM Julian Blechner <juliancallsdances@gmail.com> wrote:
So... it occurred to me that it'd be really easy to do a mixed-role contra corners from Becket position. 

A few weeks ago, I danced Jim Kitch's Equinox, which had a fun setup and you finish Contra Corners by passing R , but ... do people know any simpler ways? Like, for example, dance below. I can't possibly have been the first to figure this out, eh?

(If not written yet: Buttered Corners)

A1. Circle L 3/4
A2. Robins Chain
B1. Bottom couples Contra Corners**
       Same Couples Pass R, to P
B2. P B + S
       ... slide L to New Ns

* opportunity in the lines for partners to rollaway to swap roles
** and can alternate top couples, bottom couples, doing bottom couples - who were original 1s - first. This way, the top of the set has corners for people, always.

Like, literally this gives 16 measures to progress and have a neighbor swing if you want. If we opened up to the idea of contra corners with a neighbor from Becket, it opens up immense numbers of dances that can be written.

In dance,
Julian Blechner