
I too have called dances with a "hand cast" which essentially is a "gate".  I believe I heard/learned it somewhere along the line and once taught ppl either go "i know this" "Oh! like a gate" or something similar.  I too had an English dancer tell me there was no such thing as a hand cast....I like the term myself. I vote use it, I will continue to do so.

Mary Collins
“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass ... it's about learning to dance in the rain!” ~ Unknown

On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 1:21 AM Don Veino via Callers <> wrote:
You may have seen my "Feeling Gravity's Pull" which I posted at the end of the recent Mad Robin teaching thread.

In that dance, there's a move where partners are facing in side by side on the outside of the set (where the Gents have forward momentum and the Ladies neutral to backward momentum) and my intent was for them to rotate around their inside hand connection with the Gents going forward and Ladies backing up once around. (As opposed to the Gent walks a circle around the Lady.) So the net effect would be like a courtesy turn, in going around a central point between the dancers, just a little "wider."

I believe the correct term for this would be "Hand Cast" but I had a dancer who was adamant about it being a "Gate" in ECD so when I posted the dance that's the term I used. I've again done some googling and found no ready reference to a "Hand Cast" in ECD and only the slightest in a contra context, yet the term sticks in my mind.

What say ye? Is "Hand Cast" a thing and correct in this context?

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