I'm in a band that's played around a fair amount, and what we've noticed is that some communities don't clap a lot, but that doesn't mean they don't like what the band's doing. Instead, we listen for whether the balances are together and loud, and if they are, it generally means the dancers are having a good time.
My line is always “Live musicians appreciate live applause”. It usually gets a laugh-and applause!
Judy Greenhill
> To: trad-dance-callers@yahoogroups.com; callers@lists.sharedweight.net
> From: trad-dance-callers@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 19:08:11 -0700
> Subject: [trad-dance-callers] Applause or Not...
> Hi All,
> There are several places where almost no applause occurs after a dance.
> In some communities, when I've been subjected to that experience, I've
> asked, "were we off tonight?" The reply usually is something like, "no,
> the dance was fine (or even great), we just head for our next
> partner..." I know sometimes it's just the night. Sometimes, though,
> it's the community's habit. I spoke with a renowned musician the other
> day, who will no longer play for a certain series. One of the reasons:
> lack of applause -- lack of that palpable sense of appreciation.
> I think dancers don't often know that applause really makes the band and
> caller feel better. If they feel better they play better. And, as a
> dancer, applause usually makes me feel better, too. Any ideas on how to
> encourage applause? Or, if you're in one of those communities where
> applause is minimal, does it bother you?
> ~erik hoffman
> oakland, ca
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