Hi Abbie,


If you don’t object to a Sicilian 3x3, I have a dance, Walpole Condo, with double-contra corners which is surprisingly accessible and has the advantage of using positional calling.  You can find the video at:




There’s a whole thread about Contra Corners Dance at https://lists.sharedweight.net/hyperkitty/list/contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net/message/MKCW5H6YYSTUHRZHKPVIAJKWC2B4TRGB/ which include instructions for Walpole Condo.


Thanx, Ric Goldman




From: Abbie Sorg via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2024 9:42 PM
To: Shared Weight Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
Subject: [Callers] Contra corners recommendations needed


Any suggestions on contra corners dances? None have been called at our local dance for years now, and I want to try and re-introduce the move. I've been calling for a few years and think it's a good time to try, but I haven't collected any contra corners dances yet so I'd like to start with something as straightforward as possible.


Chorus Jig seems like the natural choice, but I noticed that basically every video I could find of it uses the same tune. How rigid is this tradition? What if the band doesn't have this in their repertoire? Will the contra police raid the dance hall if I call this choreography to a different tune?


Abbie Sorg

Tucson, AZ