I will be calling a dance at our local State Fair next month. It will be open to the public, and we've also invited several Contra Communities around the State to join us in helping to introduce people to Contra Dancing, and other forms of Folk Dance. I suspect that most people of the general public will stay and watch/join maybe 1 or 2 dances, and then they will move onto the next exciting thing at the Fair.
We will have about 3.5 hours to fill, and I want a good variety of dances to choose from.
So my question to you is, what simple, fun, beginner-friendly dances would you recommend? Being able to "build up" to more advanced dances I don't think will be very possible, simply because we expect a steady stream of people joining and leaving at any given moment, so I need a variety of simple and fun dances to share that don't require much prior experience.
I already have several ideas as to some dances to include, but I'd love to hear your suggestions.
They don't have to be Contra-specific, as I'm planning to throw in a few circle mixers, and a couple easy English Country Dances as well.
Maybe Hole in the Wall, or even the Virginia Reel... The genre of the dances isn't that important.
Just any other fun, family dances that you can send my way. Many thanks in advance.
I look forward to reading your suggestions. 
