And they also said Zoom Contra would never happen?
To each his own. It is not for everyone.
However, putting down others’ ideas and calling
names is not part of dealing with the changes our
dance community is going through.
Again I am asking for on topic replies about what
distanced choreo might look like? Feel free to just
delete this email.
Sent from my iPhone
The idea of having distance contra
dancing is pure insanity as contra dancing
is a 100 % social activity
Callers !
Wondering if anyone has written some
“contra” dances that maintain 6 feet
I’m imagining trying (narrow)pool noodles
to use as spacers (outdoors). Maybe cut
to 3 foot lengths with magnets at the ends
to clack & connect to the next noodle.
I know someone doing Intl Folk with
ribbons and they were shared by accident,
and are obviously too flexible to help
keep distance.
I can also see it being more like solo
dancing with “contra” moves in HUGE
figures (more aerobic?) or maybe something
totally different?
If you’d like to chat about choreo ideas
for distanced outdoor (masks, gloves, etc)
“contra” dances, please email me.
I believe there will be intermediate
stages of coming back to dance and we can
try when County and State Health
limitations allow (Mine just opened up for
out door gatherings last week).
(I’m very aware of the issues, the
research about covid, and our State and
County Health regulations.) I’m looking
for conversation about what coming back to
dancing might look like, and choreography
to support this that is fun.
Thanks for your on-topic replies.
Claire Takemori (CA)
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