Glad you like it!
For what it's worth, at a ONS I often do a scatter mixer that's
basically half of "Haste to the Wedding" -
Circle L, circle R
Star R star L
everybody bow, promenade and find someone else
for a little, then turn the scatter promenade into the big ring and go
from there.
On 2/4/23, Winston, Alan P. <> wrote:
> Any —
> That’s great! I hadn’t encountered that, and I really have to put it in my
> toolbox for ONS - way faster/more fun than getting people who have no idea
> what a Sicilian *is* to pair up and form one. (The best I had up to this
> point was make a big circle, pick a pair and make them face, and then (in
> Susan Michael’s words), say “Chain Reaction - pair up like this all the way
> around.). So this’ll be good even for symmetric Sicilians.
> — Alan
> ________________________________________
> From: Amy Cann <>
> Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2023 1:11 PM
> To: Winston, Alan P.
> Cc:; Charles Abell
> Subject: Re: [Callers] Re: Sicilian Circle question
> Here's how I learned:
> "Everybody promenade the usual way, two-by-two around the room - now
> stop where you are."
> "Starting from this point right in front of me (gesture to where head
> couple of center set usually stands for contras), you're going to
> count off in pairs of couples and take hands four in this big ring.
> "Half of you can just stay facing the usual promenade direction - you're 1s"
> "Half of you will need to turn as a couple and face the 'wrong'
> direction - you're 2's".
> It links the role of 1s/2s to the familiar line-of-direction we use
> for promenading and coupledancing
> -- who feels most "normal", and who feels as if they're
> accommodating/supporting.
> On 2/4/23, Winston, Alan P. via Contra Callers
> <> wrote:
>> To your questions:
>> 1: Right, the vast majority of Sicilians are completely symmetrical.
>> 2: Because of this, I don't think there's a default for whether CW or CCW
>> are the "1s". You can just pick which one you want.
>> 3. Yes, there are non-symmetric Sicilians -= I'm looking at notes for
>> "The
>> Molly Andrew", a waltz Sicilian; it has the 1s ("those facing clockwise")
>> do
>> the figure through the 2s and then the 2s through the 1., and it's fine so
>> long as you get across who goes first. Way better to indicate that
>> visually rather than just say it.
>> -- Alan
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Charles Abell via Contra Callers
>> <>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2023 12:06 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [Callers] Re: Sicilian Circle question
>> Hello group, It's been a while since I called a Sicilian Circle, but I may
>> soon - two questions:
>> 1. Typically, one couple isn't considered the "ones" and the other
>> "twos", right?
>> 2. If there are ones and two, which couple would be considered the
>> "ones"
>> - CW or CCW?
>> 3. If there are not typically ones and twos, has anyone tried ascribing
>> those roles for a Sicilian circle dance. That is, I had an idea for a
>> dance
>> that ends with a square dance figure requiring one couple to arch first,
>> thus the need for separate numbers.
>> I did attempt to find an answer online and was not initially successful.
>> Thoughts?
>> Chuck
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