Dean just called and gave me Wizard's Way over the phone. Here ya go!Wizard's Way - Dean Snipes Impropermoving backwards, 1's split N3, outside of N2, take hands in a ring with N2 to begin the dance againCircle L 3/4 -- 1's arch, 2's duck (ready to begin wizards walk, which starts at the top of B2)A2 Ring Balance, P SwA1 Ring balance, gents roll P from R to L across setRing Balance, petranella twirl
B1 R&L Thru
B2 Wizards walk:
Start with 2's diving through the 1's arch; then 1's split the next couple (N2), then 1's outside N3 -- reverseOn Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 9:57 PM Jack Mitchell <> wrote:I believe that Cis wrote one called the Witch's Way. It's possible that Wizard's Way is Dean Snipes' version of the dance. I am copying him on this to see if he can pass it along.On Sat, Oct 22, 2016 at 7:47 PM via Callers < > wrote:Hi! I have found Ruth Ungar's Wizard Walk on the WWW, but can't find Wizard's Way... and I feel bad but can't remember who wrote it...I keep thinking Cis or Linda Leslie. Can someone help me by sending the dance and the name of its illustrious choreographer? Thanks!
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--Jack MitchellDurham, NC--Jack MitchellDurham, NC