I would describe a gate as a connected turn in which both dancers start facing the same direction (in this case, into the set). One dancer dances forward while the other backpedals, with their joined hands being the pivot of the turn. And can I emphasize again the importance of the connection between dancers, which can make or break the satisfaction of the move. 

This looks very fun and I plan to use it sometime very soon. Cheers!


On Fri, Apr 14, 2023, 3:22 PM Amy Wimmer via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Laura, I plead ignorance here. Will you please describe/define "gate?" 


On Fri, Apr 14, 2023, 11:18 AM Louise Siddons via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Hi Jerome (and all),

I have heard the left-petronella referred to as a “retronella” — which may be a useful search term, and also produces some delight when dancers hear it for the first time.

And although I worry US dancers would rush the gates and therefore find this a bit unsatisfying (not to mention, no neighbour swing! Which for some dancers is actually a positive...), I’ve had good feedback here in the UK about my dance, There and Back:

There and Back
Louise Siddons, 2022
A1 In a ring, balance and spin to the right; gate clockwise on the side (fill the music!)
A2 In a ring, balance and spin to the left; gate anticlockwise on the side
B1 Chain (Rh; those moving fwd out of the courtesy turn end slightly inside the set and look right); with the next, right shoulder 'round 1.5
B2 With your partner, balance and swing

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