"Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud"  y Mike Boerschig doesn't seem like it would be very difficult when you read the card, but it is amazing how many creative ways it can go wrong.  There is usually at least one star for five somewhere in the line at the same time there's a star for three going on elsewhere.  I call it sometimes with the right crowd of experienced dancers because it's fun to watch the recovery process.


On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 6:47 PM Jerome Grisanti via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
"Would You Do It for Twenty?" by Robert Cromartie. We have discussions about "glossary" dances, this one is a "kitchen sink" dance, as in "everything you can think of but the kitchen sink." Contra corners, petronella, diagonal hey, alternates between proper and improper.

Maybe in a workshop, on a bet, hence the title.


On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 6:38 PM Michael Fuerst via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
What are the most difficult  contras (improper, proper, indecent or becket) that you have danced,  have called, and remain  afraid to call?
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Penultimatum:  Surrender now or next time I threaten you I'll really mean it.