In addition to Jamaica, quadrilles (kwadril) (apparently derived from 18th or 19th century French quadrilles) are danced in Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, and Saint Lucia.  One of their multi-part suites is even named “Lancers”.  They are most often danced to live Antillean music, with a wonderful swaying step.  A search on the term ‘quadrille’ and the name of any of the islands will quickly turn up numerous videos.  There are probably the most from Guadeloupe…. 

The dances are performed at public events by clubs that practice the sequences.  Occasionally they seem to have open dances in public settings, or in a party setting with food. In some of the videos, the moves from the quadrilles are danced with long lines of facing couples (in Beckett formation, as someone pointed out), without progression. These events bring together dancers from more than one club.

I should warn you that you may well be delighted by watching these videos, and find it hard to stop.



Richard Hopkins
Middlebury, VT
