From “English Dance & Song” magazine, June 1954

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Are you a Folk Dancer?


I have heard it said there are five stages in a folk dancer's life.

1. "Know nothing": prior to having done any dancing at all.

2. "Beginner": having learnt most of the fundamentals, but still lacking confidence and likely to get completely lost.

3. "Expert": having mastered the main basic figures and simpler dances, rather full of yourself, but still willing to dance with people not up to your standard.

4. "Obnoxious": knowing all the answers (so you think), and only dancing with the chosen few.

5. "Mature": rather modest about your dancing capabilities, ready to dance with anyone, beginner or not; likely to go wrong in a dance just for the fun of it and for the laughs.

How far have you got?

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            Happy dancing,



John Sweeney, Dancer, England 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574 for Dancing in Kent