Way too late to help with the original request I realize, but perhaps generally of interest:

A piece of this dance that I particularly like is that everyone in the line will pass face to face with everyone else in the line—but it’s worth pointing that out explicitly, or people won’t notice that it’s true. (The leader has to turn toward, not away, at some point for that to happen.)

(My association with calling it “The Spiral Dance” is with certain varieties of paganism, where that looking-at-everyone-else is a central reason for doing it.)

—Read Weaver

From: Hannah Chamberlain via Contra Callers <contracallers@lists.sharedweight.net>
Greeting callers!
I am calling a friend's wedding this weekend and she requested "the spiral dance," a circle dance where at some point one person leads everyone into a spiral (or, optionally, anywhere around the hall?). I think I've danced it before, but I'm having a hard time finding a name or notes on how to call it. Can anyone share a version with me?
Thanks in advance,
Hannah Chamberlain
(outside of) Portland, ME