Dear list,

Thanks to everyone who shared dances in response to my query!

As promised, I’ve compiled them into a single list and added directions when they weren’t in the original email.

The workshop that prompted my initial inquiry was on positional calling, and as I compiled the list I had a couple of thoughts about these dances as it relates to gender(-neutrality):

The choreographers in this list are overwhelmingly men; I wonder if this reflects the gender balance of the Shared Weight list membership and I believe it represents the gendered history of contra calling culture, and Anglo-American society generally, in which men statistically speak more often and self-promote more readily than women. This is simply an observation, although I will add to it a request that if anyone knows of fantastic 3-facing-3 or triplet dances by women or non-binary folks, I’d love to know about them. Representation matters!

I suspect that the male dominance on the list is also a reflection of the changing trends in contra dancing: the rise of the “modern urban contra" (all duple minor longways with multiple swings) coincides with the rise in women and non-binary callers, choreographers, and musicians. It is therefore likely an historical fact that most triplets have been written by men — I didn’t put dates next to all of these because I didn’t have them, but many of them are 20th- rather than 21st-century dances. Certainly, the gender balance in my collection of duple-minor dances is far more like that of the population generally than in my collection of triplets.

Because of my interest in choreography that moves beyond binaries, I’ve written some 3-facing-3 dances over the past couple of years, so I’m adding my favorites of those to the bottom of the list; I’ve also added both 3-facing-3 and triplet dances that I have had success with which are not by me!

The only dance I was offered that emphasized gender roles was Jim Hemphill’s; I adapted it to a positional philosophy for the sake of my workshop participants and noted accordingly in the list below.

All typos in any of this are my fault or that of my autocorrect, which always wants to make Lh into Rh; please do make sure the dances work before you call them!



Around One
From Hugh Rippon's "The Willow Tree"  
Easy, ceilidh
3-couple longways, 32-bar New England single reels
(Gives "reel de Ti-Jean" and "Green Mountain Petronella")
A1: Lines go forward and back then cross to the other side THUS:
     middles turn right hand one and a half WHILE
     ends do a half right and left four around them (hence the title)
A2: Repeat to place.
B1: Right hand star for six; left hand star for six.
B2: 1s down the middle to the bottom while the others move up and swing.

Palindrome Date Triplet
Alan Winston
Triplet; ones and threes improper
A1: Ones and twos, neighbor balance WHILE Threes balance
Ones and twos, neighbor swing WHILE Threes swing
A2: Ones and threes N balance WHILE Twos balance
Ones and threes N swing WHILE Twos swing
B1: Lines of three, forward and back
Hands six, circle left halfway
B2: Lines of three, forward and back
Hands six, circle right halfway

Ted's Triplet #3
Ted Sannella
A1: Top two couples star right; star left
A2: Top couple lead to the bottom, cross trail and come up the outside
B1: Dip and dive all the way down and back
B2: Top couple cast to the bottom and swing (others move up and can swing if they like, although it’s not in the original choreography)

Beneficial Triplet
Al Olson
A1: Partner pull by R across; left diagonals, pull by L; straight across, pull by R; left diagonal, pull by L
A2: Straight across, pull by R; left diagonal, pull by L [I call this “pull the zipper” — does anybody else?!]
Partner Rh balance and box the gnat
B1: Partner balance and swing
B2: Ones lead up; turn alone and lead down; cast off with the twos (to end in middle place)
Teaching tip: in the right pull-by, hang on, and that will automatically orient you to the left diagonal.

Proofreader's Triplet
Al Olson
Triplet, ones improper
A1: Ones and twos, circle left; back to the right
A2: Hey for three on the sides: one extra pass puts the ones in the middle and the twos at the top
B1: Ones and threes, neighbor swing
B2: Lines of three, forward and back
Partner swing (at the top, end facing Ns ready to circle)

Star Chase (the version with the B1 swing)
Al Olson
Triplet, based on ideas from Ted’s Triplet #35
A1: At the top, star right halfway; at the bottom, star left halfway (ones are now at the bottom)
Ones chase counterclockwise (it flows!) back to the top
A2: At the top, star left halfway; at the bottom star right halfway
Ones chase clockwise (it flows!) back to the top
B1: Partner balance and swing (end facing up)
B2: Ones and twos, cast down one place individually (it will feel like 2s are in the lead); lines of 3, forward and back (ending positions 3-1-2)
Original B part:
B1: Hands six, circle left
B2: Ones and twos, cast down one place individually (it will feel like 2s are in the lead); lines of 3, forward and back (ending positions 3-1-2)

Right and Left Triplet
Chris Page
Triplet, ones improper
A1: At the top, up and down, right and left through; power turn in the middle (ones face threes)
At the bottom, up and down, right and left through; power turn in the middle
A2: At the top, neighbor balance and swing WHILE ones (at the bottom) balance and swing*
B1: All six, right and left through**; All six, right and left through
B2: Circle left halfway into a partner swing (end 3-1-2; new top couple ends swing facing down while others end facing up)
*End the swing by facing into a circle/triangle for six. Your partner is on one side of you; your current corner is on the other. Your current opposite is straight across from you.
**To do a right and left through for six, pull by your current corner with right hands, and meet your opposite for a courtesy turn. Face back into the circle of six.

David’s Triplet #5
David Smukler, 2006
A1: Ones cast down the outside and dance up the middle; cast off with the twos
A2: Partner do-si-do once and a quarter, into a wavy line of six (ptr in Rh)
Balance the wave and allemande R halfway into a new wave
B1: Balance, pull by R for half a hey (for six)
B2: When you meet your partner, meltdown swing (ends 3-1-2)

Kimbi’s A Star
Seth Tepfer, 2019
3 couple set, proper
Tune: The New Bag, 2019
Sheet Music:
Tune Author: Dave Marcus
A1: Up a double, and fall back; down a double, fall back
A2: Set advancing toward partner, turn single back to place; pattern two hand turn
B1: Top two couples (1s and 2s) Circle left 1x; bottom two couples (2s and 3s) Circle right 1x
B2: Top two couples (1s and 2s) Right hand star 1x; 1s and 2s Starburst* down one place down the set, 3s pause 3 counts then surge to top place
End 3-1-2
Starburst: Top 2 lead out of set the direction they were facing for 4 counts, turn and travel down the set for 1 count, turn and travel back into the set for three. Most time spent leaving set, Not traveling down. Feels like the end part of a dolphin hey
Top 2 couples get out of the way!  Couple 3 must wait 3 beats before moving forward. Move forward quickly at first then slow down. 
Video of dance:

David’s Triplet #7
David Smukler, 2007
A1: Ones chase clockwise ‘round the twos; one (following) cuts through
Ones and twos circle left all the way
A2: Balance the ring and neighbor swing
B1: Ones chase clockwise ‘round the threes; one (following) cuts through
Hands six circle left just halfway
B2: Partner do-si-do and swing (end facing up)

The Twenty-First of May
Larry Jennings
Circle of three couples facing in; mixer
A1: Corner allemande left once and a half
With the next, allemande right once and a half (end in a wavy ring)
A2: Balance the wave and allemande left (once around; re-form the wave)
Balance the wave and allemande right (this is your new partner)
B1: Starting here, six changes of rights and lefts
B2: With your (new) partner, balance and swing


Haste to the Divorce
Tom Hinds
A1: Lines of three, forward and back
All six, circle left
A2: All six, circle right
With your opposite, do-si-do
B1: In lines, do-si-do once and a half
B2: With your partners, basket swing (end facing new neighbors)

Tollway Trio
Diane Burton
3-facing-3 Sicilian circle
A1: Centers star right with the ends on their left (ask ends to take Rh with their opposite and tell middle dancers to look left and join in)
Left hand star back
A2: Middles, turn contra corners
B1: Middles swing one of their partners (Diane says: Cheat and swing! Ham it up! Doesn’t have to be a person of the opposite sex)
B2: Pass through and honor your new neighbors (balance fwd and back)
Ends do-si-do your new opposite (and catch Rh for the star)

Walpole Cottage
Pat Shaw
52-bar reel: Walpole Cottage © Pat Shaw, 1963
Wardpark © Joan Gilbert, Date unknown
Introduction 1 - 4 Trios forward and back.
Dance the introduction every turn.
A 1 - 16 Middles turn all four contra corners
B 1 - 16 All four ends, star right, then left; long second corners cast into reels of 3 for each trip (passing Rsh with middle partner to start).
C 1 - 16 Lines of three, forward and back; circle six half way to the left; forward and back, make baskets of three and finish facing original direction.

The Dashing White Sergeant
Scottish ceilidh, Round The Room RSCDS Book 3
Three facing three in a Sicilian circle
A1: All circle 6H round and back 
A2: Centre dancer sets and turns 2H person on right, sets and turns 2H person on left (popular variation - turn person on right RH, turn person on left LH) 
B1: All dance heys for 3 with centre dancer passing LSh with person on right (popular variation - RSh to person on right) 
B2: All advance and retire, advance to meet next group of 3 dancers (1 group of 3 passing under arches made by opposite group)

Oxford Hill Stomp
Gary Roodman, 1987
Suggested tune: March of St. Timothy
3-facing-3 longways or Sicilian circle
A1: middles Rh turn with the partner on their right once around and a bit more, into half a hey for four on the second diagonal (middles pass Lsh to start the hey)
A2: middles turn Lh-partner by the left into a diagonal hey halfway (passing Rsh to start the hey)
B1: lines of three, forward and back; circle left halfway
B2: circle right halfway; twirl the line (middles Rh high, Lh low)

Double or Quits
John Kinch
3-facing-3 Sicilian circle
A1: All circle left and right
A2: Middles turn R, pass a partner R, hey for 3
B1: Inside dancers (the four people closest to the center), right and left through; outside dancers, right and left through
B2: New lines of three, balance (R and L); two-hand turn opposite halfway
Lines of three, balance again; turn alone to face new neighbors

Imbalance and Swing
Alan Winston
3-facing-3 longways
A1: With your opposite, do-si-do; middles pass right to allemande first corner right
A2: Second corner allemande left; middles allemande R once and a half
B1: Middles, swing a partner; swing the other partner
B2: Pass through and basket swing

Superbowl Monday*  
Jim Hemphill
3 facing 3 Sicilian circle
A1 Middles allemande left 1 1/2
     Pick a neighbor to swing
A2 Two they swung, allemande left 1 1/2
     Scoop partner, star promenade, butterfly whirl
B1 Middles, balance and swing your idle partner (end facing other partner)
B2 Hands 3, circle left
     As a line of 3 (who’s in the middle?) zig left, pass, zag right
* I (Louise) have de-gendered this dance due to the nature of the workshop for which I have collected it. I did not ask Jim’s approval to do so; his original instructions are available in the Shared Weight archive.

Ian Nichols and Julia Dean
Sicilian Circle for Trios
A1: Lines of three go forward & back
Middles go right: right hand star for three
A2: Lines of three go forward & back
Middles go left: left hand star for three
B1: Middles pass right-hand person by right shoulder: hey in own line
B2: All six circle left halfway
Right hand high, left hand low to face new trio

Copenhagen Mixer
Inge Aakilde
3-facing-3 longways or Sicilian circle
A1: Middles out to the right for a right-hand star
All with your opposite, do-si-do
A2: Middles out to the left for a left-hand star
All with your opposite, see-saw
B1: All allemande left (middles once and a half)
Ends allemande right WHILE middles orbit around one into lines of 3 at the sides (these are your new partners)
B2: Circle six left three quarters around
Pass through to new neighbors

The Mixing Bowl
Louise Siddons
A1: Middles Rh balance and box the gnat
At each end, left-hand star
A2: Middles Rh balance and box the gnat
Pull by into a basket swing (with those in the Lh star; end with middles in the center of a line of three facing across)
B1: Lines at the sides, go forward and back
With your opposite, do-si-do
B2: Middles, Rh balance and box the gnat
With your partners, left-hand star (to new neighbors; turn the star as far as you like if you want to put a new person in the middle)

Vibrant Matter
Louise Siddons
A1: On the right diagonal, left-hand chain
Ends, do-si-do your opposite
A2: On the left diagonal, right and left through
Ends, do-si-do your opposite
B1: (Starting with opposite) All Rh balance and pull by two (straight across by the right, then left on the left diagonal if you have one)
(end couples face in; middles stay out of it) Chain by the right
B2: Same two back in: allemande R to a partner (basket) swing (end facing new neighbors)

Swing to the Stars
Louise Siddons
A1: Lines of three, forward and back
Middles allemande left once and a quarter (into Rh stars at each end)
A2: Starry O’More (a cross between a Rory O’More and a Petronella spin: balance the star in and out, then spin individually one place to the right and take left hands in a star. Balance in and out, and spin to the left to end where you started. No overtaking!)
B1: Middles Lh balance and swat the flea
Partners, circle left into a line at home (in any order)
B2: Hands six, circle left halfway
Partners (basket) swing (end facing new neighbors)