I attended an advanced dance this afternoon that was intermediate at best, and had a few raw beginners in there, and it got me wondering:

1. As callers, what do you do when a bunch of intermediate and/or beginner dancers show up to an advanced session?
2. As organizers, what do you do to try and keep your advanced sessions... advanced? (Either in messaging or at the dance itself?) Obviously I'm not advocating for kicking anyone out, but if a bunch of newbies show up at an advanced session, both they and the dancers who came for gnarly stuff are going to have a less-than-ideal time.
3. As dancers (/organizers/callers), how do we elevate the dance level of our local communities? I'm talking about increasing familiarity with some of the less common moves (contracorners, left hand chains, etc.) but also about building awareness of the dance and recovery skills, and technical things like giving satisfying weight, swinging correctly, guiding linemates into the next figure, etc.

I welcome any thoughts and musings!

Maia (Brooklyn, NY)
Maia McCormick (she/her)