I'll admit, I occasionally dream calling nightmares. Not usually in line with anything that has or may happen, just awkward situations where I'm calling and things are problematic. Last night the dream was that a member of the band kept stopping the dance to explain to the dancers how the dance SHOULD go. Really weird and not an issue I've actually had. Even David Carpenter (rest his soul) who had strong opinions about chestnuts and would opine from behind his fiddle before playing but not stop a dance in motion. 

Anyway, upon waking at 4 am and processing said dream, I tried to figure out what dance I'd been calling. It wasn't a challenging dance, and I eventually constructed that it was

Becket, ccw

(8) Long lines forward and back
(8) Balance the ring, petronella one place to the right, face new couple
(16) Neighbor balance and swing, end facing partner
(8) Long lines forward and back
(8) Balance the ring, petronella one place to the right, 
(16) Partner balance and swing

It reminds me of Midwestern Folklore by Oracle Johnson (and Will You Marry Me by Seth Tepfer) in that it's sort of a half length dance you do twice with neighbor and partner. 

It would work as an Indecent dance too (although I'm pretty sure I was calling it in Becket) :
(8) Long lines forward and back
(8) Balance the ring, petronella one place to the right
(16) Partner balance and swing
(8) Long lines forward and back
(8) Balance the ring, petronella one place to the right, face new couple 
(16) New neighbor balance and swing

You could even line them up improper and then sneak them into indecent, since the first partner swing fixes it for them. Although if you did that, some folks would probably worry that the twos and ones weren't where they started after one walkthrough; and folks should wait out indecent. Anyway...

Looking through my cards, and the online Callers Box, I can't find this dance in either place, in either form.

Anybody recognize it?

Thanks all. And sweet dreams.