Here's a starter list of counterclockwise moves:

Circle right
Allemande left
Star left
Star promenade when the center person has left hands
Gypsy left
Counterclockwise roll away
Rory o' More spin to the left
Swat the flea

Also pretty much:
Ladies chain
Right and left through
Hey (passing right in the center)
Contra corners

For half the dancers:
Square through
Crosstrails through
Half figure eight
California twirl/star through

-Chris Page
San Diego

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 10:33 AM, Lindsey Dono via Callers <> wrote:
Hi Callers,

There are a number of dances that have significant clockwise momentum; I try to label such dances so I don't call them back to back. However, I'd like to identify a collection of dances with the *least* clockwise movement (beyond swinging in the other direction). 

Which moves are CCW? I realize that this depends somewhat on how the move is danced.

 Have you IDed any dances as particularly good to call after a very clockwise one?


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