Ok my tablet just rewrote some of my post lol....ons became one and it did something weird to my authorship statement...resist.

On Nov 5, 2017 3:46 PM, "Mary Collins" <nativedae@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Luke and others - I'm guessing that Luke's query my stem from my recent question regarding the authorship not gone of his dances. So, this is how I have been collecting dances. I dance them, mostly, then ask for the calls. Or, I observe or dance one, get the name and Google it. Failing that I ask caller friends for the calls and author.  Sometimes I may look for a theme (i.e. tax day). Being relatively new at calling I guess I lean toward what I like more than anything. Being older, I can resist succumbing to calling beyond my current comfort level, or writing impossible dances. 

Now having said that ...I resist technology and color code everything, easy, one, advanced, waves, hens etc. Old school but it is what works for me.

Btw Luke, Valimont's dance worked well and all loved it, thanks.

On Nov 4, 2017 11:26 PM, "Luke Donforth via Callers" <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
Hi Folks,

I currently have a terrible system for publishing dances I've written on the web (blog-esque thing in wordpress; really hard to search through). There's been talk on and off of a big database of dances, but that doesn't seem to be happening so I thought I should do something for mine.

I'm contemplating better ways of making dances my compositions more accessible; and since that would be for other people, I'm curious what's useful for other people.

I'm envisioning four categories of dances; and then just lists of dances (title & sequence) on those pages. The categories I had in mind:
Family dances
Glossary contras
Unique contras
Odd formations

Are there separate things you'd want to see in a list of dances when you're going through? Beckets, Closing dances, bouncy/smooth, etc.

I've gotten really attached to Callers Companion (http://callerscompanion.com/), and really like how it lets searches happen on dances. Anyone have a good way to incorporate that, or the type of element checklist/flag it provides, into a web-based interface for dances?

It might also be that most folks don't collect dances from websites; and this is wasted time. But it does seem like I've obfuscated finding my compositions, and I regret not making them more available.

Thoughts, opinions, experience, and advice appreciated.



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