On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 8:58 AM, Ron Blechner via Callers <callers@lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
I'm looking for dances with nerdy inspirations to add a few more choices to an upcoming session. Skill level easy through intermediate+.

​This one was inspired by Seth Tepfer's dance in one of the Mockingjay movies​:

To Call a Mockingjay by Dale Wilson, (2016)

Contra Improper

A1: Neighbor do-si-do & Swing

A2: Gents Allemande Left 1 ½;

       Partner Swing

B1: Ring Balance, Petronella twirl (with a clap)

      Ring Balance Petronella (no clap)

B2: Star Left;

       Ladies Chain

Teaching notes:

B1: Encourage the dancers to clap on the first Petronella (they will anyway), then strongly suggest that they skip the clap on the second one so it will flow right into the star.  Some of them will clap anyway because they can't help themselves, but most of them like the flow.

B2: As they end the star, tell ladies to reach their free right hands across the star to each other, then tell them it's a ladies chain to their neighbors.  

There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.