My guess is a lot of people who write dances would be happy to contribute, but trying to wrangle all the callers and dances does seem pretty daunting.

Presumably older dances are in the public domain, either by clearly defined intellectual property laws or implicitly via the folk process.  What if you started out by adding a ton of chestnuts and other older dances, and then when you had enough to show, you could open it up for people to contribute their newer dances directly?

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 10:46 AM, Maia McCormick via Callers <> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm currently in programming school casting about for programming projects, and I had the idea of a giant searchable contradance database, where you can filter by move combination, etc.

My question: is this something people would be interested in having? Or does it run the risk of infringing on intellectual property, or shortchanging dance writers on book sales, etc.? (Obviously no dances would be included without the author's permission, but it may be that making a huge ton of dances freely available and searchable in one place online would be a death blow to published books of dances, or have some other negative effect I'm not foreseeing right now...)

Anyway: does anyone have any thoughts on this project?


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