Wow!! These are great dances and SO many! Grabbing some, saving all!

Personally I think I've got enough now, but share on for others!!!

Formerly from Buffalo

On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, 12:55 AM Don Veino <> wrote:

The Love Pirate - Becket CCW/Right - Don Veino

A1 (8) Hole in the Wall Cross w/NBR [fwd to face NBR, 1/2 Rt Shldr Round, fall back - swapping places across]
(8) Left Hand Star 1+1/4
(Lark is looking at N Robin's back on the side, they keep walking along the set for…)
A2 (6,2) Neighbor Promenade CCW around the set, Robins Turn Back RT as Larks continue forward to
(8) Next Neighbor Swing
B1 (8) Promenade back to across from Partner
(8) Robins Allemande Right 1+1/2
B2 (4,12) Partner Balance (or RSR) & Swing


Plus, if we're feeling more imaginatively romantic...

I ♥ Unicorns - DI - Don Veino 20170203 (that's "I (heart symbol) Unicorns", if the list software mangles it)
All swings in this dance end facing down.

A1 Neighbor Balance & Swing, end facing down (Twos in center)
A2 Line/4 Down the Hall - Turn as a COUPLE
Return, Bend the Line (so 2s above 1s)
B1 Mirror Mad Robin - Twos Through the Center First (starting down towards foot of the hall)
[Lark1 and Robin2 dyad moving CCW, Robin1 and Lark2 moving CW]
Twos Swing in Center, end facing DOWN
ALT B1: Can substitute a gate figure for the Mad Robin, with the 1s mirror gating the 2s down through the center and back above to swing
B2 Twos Half Figure 8 DOWN through the Ones (around opposite role N, to end above - improper and facing progression)
Ones Swing, end facing DOWN

On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 10:45 AM Mary Collins via Contra Callers <> wrote:
Looking for a few simple, maybe not so simple (nothing advanced plz) dances in a valentine's theme. Go -

Many thx
Mary Collins
Formerly of Buffalo
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