Comments/replies inserted below. Please read this with the image in your mind of me smiling pleasantly, showing interest and engaging - tone is difficult in email...

Funny, I was originally worried that I'd over-documented the dance, but the uniqueness I thought warranted it.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Aahz Maruch via Callers <> wrote:
I'm going to echo Michael Fuerst's confusion with specific comments:

On Sun, Mar 29, 2015, Don Veino via Callers wrote:
> *Hey, Let's Zig-Zag!*
> [Type]: Contra    [Formation]: Duple Improper    [Author]: Don Veino
>  [Status]: DV::
> [Comments]: Zig-Zag into Hey dance (first of it's kind?). Tricky two
> forward, one back progression.
> ::
> [A1]:
> ::
> [A2]:
> (4,4) CIRCLE LEFT 1/2, Ladies lead P ZIG LEFT [past CURRENT Ns]
> (4) ZAG RIGHT [passing NEXT Ns, to face 3rd Ns] and SEPARATE from P

This is what I'd call a zig-zag followed by a zag-zig.  See e.g.
"Coriolus Effect":

Yep, I believe you shared that in the prior thread I'd started around the definition of a Zig-Zag. From that thread, I took away that there is no consensus definition as to what is a zig or zag, or standard timing. Different dances call each different things. So one need define them (either explicitly or in context) each time. Here a Zig is a leftward and forward arc that continues forward and rightward back to neutral position (passing one couple) in 4 beats. Zag is forward as well but first rightward and then leftward. You are leaving this with a forward and leftward inertia as you approach the third couple.

BTW, my calls as the dance progressed became something like "... Ladies Zig 'em, Gents Zag 'em, Hey, Gents Left..."

It is not clear where people are supposed to go after the separate
(though I'm making some assumptions based on the hey).

Yep, the next move tells you where to go next. :) "Separate" here is meant to convey that the next set of moves are not "as a couple" or anything else.

> (4) HEY 1/8, GENTS START BY LEFT [across set, GL, PR, etc.]

"GL" and "PR" are not at all clear.  The body flow for the hey is IMO

GL = Gents by Left, PR = Partner by Right.
somewhat awkward because the gents are facing up/down lines after the
zag-zig and need to do a tight turn in toward the partner when starting
with the left shoulder.  I think a right shoulder start would probably
work better.

Turns out the dancers adjust to this very well and the passes are smooth and easy in real life. Those dancing Gents and Ladies roles modify their amount of travel and it looks beautiful when done, in my opinion.

Also in my opinion, Gents right shoulder pass to start provides no time for the Lady to turn, and would set the wrong momentum for entering the Partner Swing which follows.

> [B1]:
> (8) HALF HEY [so 5/8 total, until meet P 2nd time]
> (8) PARTNER SWING [on Lady's home side]
> ::
> [B2]:
> (4,4) RING BALANCE, LADIES ROLL GENTS [DIAGONALLY back-to-back across set,
> NO Half Sashay] *OR* Alternate: Gents Cross by Right

Not clear what "NO Half Sashay" means.

No means no, right? :) I've become very cautious now about dancer (and caller) expectations, traditions and preconceived notions on moves vs. what is actually stated/intended. In this case, people often conflate "Roll Away" and "with a Half Sashay". I was trying to make it clear there is no sashay in this situation, the Ladies remain right where they are and act as posts/hinges for the Gents as they swap positions.

> (4,4) RING BALANCE, PASS THROUGH [Up/Dn] in REVERSE of progression

This looks like the dancers end up facing the wrong direction for the
balance/swing.  If my understanding is correct and you really want to do
it like this, you should have the dancers set up half-sashayed with the
neighbor before the start of the dance.

Yes. It appears you missed the note "Can have dancers swap places up/down with their N after hands-4 - this is the direction they'll come into the A1 Balance." :)

Of course it doesn't really matter for this dance - the first cycle will take care of it so long as the dancers follow the calls/trust you to know what you're presenting.

Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6              
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