My favorites:

1. To my mind, the classic box circulate dance--probably because it was the first one I ever danced!
Chinese New Year by Chris Page || improper (adv'd)
Starts in long waves, gents face out, Ns by R
A1: bal. wave & box circulate (2x) (LX G loop; GX L loop)
A2: bal. wave & box circulate (LX G loop)

P swing
B1: circle L 3/4

N swing
B2: long lines

R to P, bal. & pull by (4)
N alle. L → long waves (4)

2. Can't for the life of me remember where I picked this one up, but it's super fun!

Susie's Send-Off by Scott Higgs || improper* (adv'd)
A1: long lines
gents alle. L 1 1/2 → short waves (RH to P)
A2: bal. wave, P alle. R 3/4 → long waves (ladies face out)
bal. wave & circulate (GX, L loop)
B1: bal. wave & circulate (G loop, LX)
P swing (gent's home side)
B2: circle L 3/4 & pass thru
new N swing
* starts with 1s below the 2s (technically starts reverse-indecent), but can start teaching/calling from improper without any ill effects

3. One of my favorites--everyone gets that satisfying cross-the-set-to-swing transition.

Double Click by Bob Isaacs || becket left (adv'd)
A1: circle L 3/4 and pass thru

new ladies alle. L 1/2 (4)
P alle. R 3/4 → long waves (ladies face in) (4)
A2: bal. wave & box circulate (LX, GL)

new N swing (on gent's home side)
B1: long lines
1/2 hey → long waves*
B2: bal. wave & box circulate (GX, LL)

P swing
* 1/2 hey = GL, PR, LL, as if to pass N2 by R but take RH instead. Wave = N2 in RH, N1 in LH, gents facing P's back

4. Bonus: not realllllly a box circulate dance, but sorta like a box circulate from long wavy lines in the middle? It sprung to mind when I read this thread, so I figured I'd share!
Ellie's Pumpkin Show by Bill Olson || becket left (adv'd)
A1: (slide L to) circle L 3/4 and make long wave of ladies

bal. wave, ladies walk fwd. (4) to spiral P 3/4 (4)
A2: circle L 3/4 and make long wave of gents

bal. wave, gents walk fwd. (4) to spiral P 3/4 (4)
B1: full hey (gents by L)
B2: P b&s 

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 5:05 PM, Vicki Morrison via Callers <> wrote:
Hello all. In addition to the lovely Du Quoin Races dance by Orace Johnson, are you familiar with any other box circulate dances that you could share? Thanks!

Vicki Morrison
Tallahassee, FL

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