<!DOCTYPE html>
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</head><body><div class="io-ox-signature"><p>I call Le Brandy or 1 2 3 Poussez as well, but I time it so we count 1, 2, 3, at the end of A2 and say POUSSEZ and push off at the top of B1. I think I end up using a half dosido to make it fit.<br></p><p>My other favorite is called May Day Sashay. It's done in contra formation, but groups of 3 facing each other <br></p><p>I got it from Sherry Nevins, but I don't know that she wrote it. Anyone know a source?<br></p><p>Gender is not a thing in this one.<br></p><p>each person has a number, 1, 2 or 3. 1 on caller L, 2s in middle, 3s on callers R<br></p><p>A1 Sashay 4 steps L and 4 R<br></p><p>take hands 6 and circle R 1 x<br></p><p>A2 Sashay 4 steps R and 4 L<br></p><p>take hands 6 and circle L 1x<br></p><p>B1 1s swing each other, 2s swing each other<br></p><p>3s swing each other </p><p>ALL END THE SWINGS HAVING TRADED PLACES<br></p><p>B2 take hands in lines of 3 and 4 steps Forward and back <br></p><p>right high, left hand low and turn around to face the new<br></p><p>(middle person, still holding hands with the other 2, raises R hand to make and arch, the L hand person, still holding on, crosses in front and goes under that arch, the R hand person crosses in front, the middle person turns under their own R arm and they face a new 3 some)<br></p><p>Enjoy!<br></p><p>Amy<br></p><p>******************************************************************************************************<br>Amy Carroll<br><a href="mailto:amy@calleramy.com">amy@calleramy.com<br></a>206-330-7408<br>http://www.calleramy.com/<br></p><p><a href="https://youtu.be/mTd_iyi3IcI">https://youtu.be/mTd_iyi3IcI</a><br></p></div></body></html>